I swore I'd write at least one genuine blog post a week, not just all 'catch this sale' or 'read this review' posts. Yet, the 'catch this sale' posts capture more views than my usual ramblings so maybe I should do more of them. ;-) But I'm exhausted, so the genuine blog post will come a little later in the week.
However, I do have a few tidbits I wanted to share. Led By Desire, my M/F story for Total-E-Bound's Lust Bites line has just been sent for final edits (yay!) and will be available for pre-order in November. Campaigning For The Billionaire, my M/M story for Evernight Publishing's anthology, His - Manlove Edition - Strength Meets Innocence anthology will be 'available' in August. I say 'available' because I don't have confirmation outside of what's in my contract, and that's just an estimation. *shrugs* I'm finishing another M/M story, I've outlined a M/F story, and I'm working on a romantic suspense M/F novel. Whew! I told myself that once I finished the M/M story, I would focus solely on the novel, but I got an email about a submissions call, my brain started churning out ideas, and next thing you know, I have another manuscript to complete on my plate. I'm really happy to be busy, and juggling three manuscripts is forcing me to become a better multi-tasker.
I also wanted to mention that next week on Wednesday, July 17th, author C.A. Szarek will do a guest post to promote her book, Collision Force, the first book in the Crossing Forces series and will share an excerpt. I'll looking forward to having her and I hope you all are as excited by her visit as I am. :)
YAY! I am excited about tomorrow!