Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Contract News and Cover Reveal!

Wow, I didn't realize it's been well over a month since I've blogged here.  Sorry to have been so out of touch, but it was for a good cause: I have contract news to announce!  Feels like forever since I've been able to announce that.  I was in a bit of a funk for a while, and then I developed an unfortunate addiction to Candy Crush.  However, I'm happy to share that I have two e-books coming out in the next two months and will have a story in an anthology whose cover I'm proud to share.

My story, Between The Briefs, is included in the Executive Assistant : Manlove Edition from Evernight Publishing and will be released on June 20.  I also have The Billionaire's Network and Secrets With The Billionaire coming in July from Evernight Publishing.  As soon as I have the covers, of course I'll share them here.

I'm working on a new story now, and with any luck, I won't be out of touch for so long and can share good news about it soon.  :)


  1. Congratulations, Noelle! :D Great news. We've missed you!
    Great cover too!

  2. Hi H K, thanks for stopping by! I'll try to do a better job of not being so incommunicado. :)

  3. Congrats Noelle. Looking forward to reading your new books. Looks like two days until the release!

  4. Hi Jamie, thanks so much! I appreciate you stopping by! :-)
